This post is an reaction to
New Scientist article named "
13 things that do not make sense", which was updated recently. Ultra-energetic cosmic rays (
UHECR) are exceptional from two reasons:
- They're most energetic spouts of energy known so far, i.e. of energy densities which becomes close to upper limit of GUT scale.
- They're propagating over whole universe, i.e. at space-time distance scales close to lower limit of GUT scale.
These two properties enable us to observe 2nd order phenomena, which are not just violating the classical theories - but they're even violating some of their corrections. For example, while special relativity considers, light spreads in constant speed, the cosmic rays exhibits a dispersion on
CMB field, which results into violation of Lorentz symmetry, because gamma ray photons spreads in lower speed, then the CMB ones. As the result, gamma rays are absorbed in CMB field at 40 MPsc distance scale, which manifests as so called the
GZK limit, which protects terresterial life from gamma rays from nearby supernovae explosions. This dispersion can be even detected directly, because gamma ray flash separates from those formed by visible light during explosions of supernovas - compare the
MAGIC observation, for example.
The above is valid just from moderate gamma ray flashes, generated in stellar implosion or collisions. UECRS, which are coming from very distant areas of Universe (fortunately) are formed mostly by collisions of galactic black holes (
AGN) and as such they're propagating
like bullets or
solitons through cosmic space - which effectively means, both visible, both gamma ray portion of remote flash arrives to Earth at the single moment again. The photon pulse of UHECR is distorted and breaks up by its own gravity, condensing into one or more gravitationally localised objects, which are propagating through distant space as a single body without dispersion.
This behavior
is essentially welcomed by some string theory proponents, because
string theory is basically a particle theory, not a field theory, so it can describe nonlinear effects connected to particles by hidden dimensions concept - but it gets into troubles when explaining of nonlinear field phenomena, like Lorentz symmetry violation in vacuum (being Lorentz symmetry based theory). Various
quantum gravity theories - the
LQG theory in particular - are dual to string theories from certain perspective, so they become a more successful in description of nonlinear properties of vacuum. This is particularly because the quantum gravity theories are based on combination or general relativity and quantum mechanics, not just a special relativity and quantum mechanics, like string theories - so they can become a bit more general in this point. The soliton behavior of UHECR is explained by various mechanisms, like the
axion–photon conversion or by
gravitino-neutrino coupling.
By AWT the observation of UHECR can be explained by considering of three facts, which follows from AWT rather directly. The first two points explains, why existing mechanism of gamma ray formation may lead to more energetic flashes, then current theory predicts. The third point explains, why such energetic flashes doesn't suffer gradual dispersion, so we can observe them even over whole universe.
- The collapse of neutron stars into black holes enables a substantial portion of matter to escape in form of energy
- The black hole merging exhibits an hysteresis due the surface tension effects of space-time curvature, similar to merging of mercury droplets.
- The short intensive flashes can propagate at long distance in non dispersive way, i.e. like solitons.
From AWT follows, every gradient manifest itself by mass/energy density, even the gradients of gravity field, which is source of spacetime curvature, which surrounds all massive bodies. This behavior leads to supersymmetric phenomena, which manifest itself as a dark matter clouds surrounding massive galaxies. At the case of black holes or large clusters of elementary particles (strangelets) the gradient of gravity field is especially pronounced and it has a
character of surface tension of mercury droplets. It means, the merging of black holes isn't so smooth, as follows from unmodified equations of general relativity - black holes tends to form a relatively stable dense clusters, similar to strawberries. We can observe these structures from inside like foamy streaks of dark matter. The same surface tension effects of gravity field curvature are responsible for creation of
tetraneutrons, or perhaps
pentaquark or more large particle clusters, so called the
strangelets during collider experiments.

Merging of black holes considers the formation of thin neck with negative curvature of space, which manifest itself by repulsing antigravity force. By classical theory the antigravity action results into increasing of rotational momentum, which slows down the coalescing of massive bodies into account of gravitational waves (the energy of transversal waves converts into longitudinal ones in process of symmetry breaking). At the moment, when surface tension is overcomed, the black hole coalesce under release of activation energy, which is released in form of longitudinal gravitational waves and transversal waves of gamma radiation.

Even the tiny mercury droplets (which are full of free electrons) exhibits a repulsive force at the distance, which prohibits them in merging due their surface tension. Thus is because their merging requires the formation of thin neck with strong negative curvature, which is always source of repulsive force in nature. At the moment, such droplet will become very close, a suddenly merging occurs, because the negative gradient will change into positive and the repulsive force will change into attractive one. It means, the process of ultra-dense massive bodies proceeds in much more vigorous way (i.e. atemporarily from outer perspective) under radiation of much more energy in both transversal (gamma ray), both longitudinal (i.e. gravity) waves, then relativity theory predicts.

This behavior is in fact the consequence of Aether theory driven by classical mechanics, by which the most pronounced gradient of gravity field remains at the surface, not at the center and it manifests by its own energy density (surface energy). Albeit the mercury droplet behavior of free electrons isn’t very pronounced in metals, it dictates the behavior of chemical bonds between atoms during chemical reactions and charge transfer in semiconductors, which
can be interpreted by mercury droplet model in many cases.