středa 22. července 2009
AWT and principle of uncertainty principle
For example, we can observe gravitational lensing from outside from place, where space-time is flat, so you will see the path of light curved and Lorentz symmetry violated (quantum mechanics perspective). Or when we stay inside of gravity lens or in Lagrange point, we will become bended by gravity field together with space-time, so you will see the path of light straight and the space-time curved, instead - this is general relativity perspective. It's evident, these perspectives are mutually exclusive, so we can never reconcile relativity with quantum mechanics by using of formal approach, which combines postulates of both theories (like string theory or quantum gravity) and to save money of tax payers for its development.
The main source of uncertainty here is, with compare to above picture every gravity field / lens has a fuzzy boundary, so we can never see the gravitational lensing from single perspective only and your observation remains fuzzy as well. Only pin-point observer can see all things from exsintric (outer) perspective only. Because every real observer is of finite size and it suffers by quantum delocalization, he can observe the same effect or artifact both from inside, both from outside perspective. The mixture of both these perspectives results into insintric uncertainty of every reality observation.
We can use surface wave analogy here, which is more convenient with Aether concept of particle environment. At the water surface every information always comes in two parallel ways: in form of longitudinal (underwater) waves and surface waves, which are of transversal nature. The pure transversal waves are called capillary waves, these pure longitudinal waves are called gravity waves (do not confuse it with gravitational waves, which are of longitudinal character too, but they're spreading through vacuum).
In real case, the surface waves are always of mixed character, which we are calling Rayleigh or Love waves, depending on whether longitudinal or transversal character of the wave prevails. Despite the weakness of underwater waves, this results in quantum uncertainty of every information, which comes to observer at water surface in two independent ways: via surface and underwater waves.
Despite of their insintric character, we cannot exclude surface wave from observation so easily, because energy is spreading in slowest speed at the inflexion point of (water) density gradient, which is forming water surface, thus defining the largest space-time possible ("a cosmic space") for observer, so he can exists in it. As we can see, uncertainty principle is direct manifestation of Lorentz symmetry violation, hidden dimensions and multiple time arrows. Here's no need to spend another money in expensive, but silly (re)search of these artifacts, until we are convenient with existence of quantum uncertainty and AWT approach. AWT can save a lotta money for tax payers here again - but from the very same reason scientists involved aren't very happy about it, because from their insintric perspective such search still has a good meaning.
We can met with uncertainty principle in many places of everyday reality at the moment, when insintric perspective remains mixed with insintric one, as expressed in many proverbs and fables (Mark Twain: "There are two sides of every coin"). When someone describes an accident in real life, he always describes it from perspective of person, which was involved in it, or from perspective of independent remote observer. At the moment, when some persons was both reason, both victim of this accident, their stance becomes fuzzy undeniably.
For example, Germans or Soviet Union nations were both reasons, both victims of WWW II, so their stance to this even remains fuzzy and controversial. As the result, both Russia, both Germany are claiming, the weakest country involved in conflict, i.e. Poland was the true reason of WWW II, which is simply ridiculous - but it illustrates the way, in which uncertainty principle manifest itself in human society.
Here exists an insintric duality between most general and most exact views of reality. Currently it seems, AWT is most general one - but definitely not the best, when it goes to exact numbers. From the same reason, we don't use quantum mechanics for computation of boiling point of water under reduced pressure, but we are using a more specific extrapolations based on thermodynamics. Not because the quantum mechanics couldn't handle it in ab-initio calculations, but because such calculation would be more tedious and sensitive to introductory parameters. Due the uncertainty principle we cannot expect true "theory of everything" and every theory has it's own applicability scope, corresponding to observable part of Universe.
Principle of uncertainty manifests by duality between quantitative and qualitative understanding of reality. Exact theories (like string theory or LQG theory) are poorly conditioned, so they lead into fuzzy landscapes of althernative solutions, whereas these qualitative ones (like AWT) doesn't suffer internal inconsistencies, but they can predict phenomena with limited exactness at the price.
Aesop: "Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either".
úterý 21. července 2009
AWT and metamaterial character of vacuum
The modeling of vacuum by light spreading through material environment isn't completely new here. For example the recent experimental work demonstrated by sending of ultrashort pulses into foamy structure of optical fibers the blue-shifting of light at a white-hole horizon. Recently whole area of physics named transformation optics was established on analogy of physics of vacuum in gravity field to spreading of waves in media of variable refraction index (which was one of Einstein's "refractive approaches" to gravitational light bending and general relativity, by the way).
Metamaterial character of vacuum was proposed before two years and recent publication described the way, how to model structures like gravitational lensing, strange attractors, streaks of dark matter, photon sphere or event horizons of black holes by infrared waves spreading through porous GaInAsP metamaterial sponge. In context of existing theories these analogies are rather ad-hoced, but they've deep meaning in context of AWT, which describes vacuum as a dense system of particles, composed of nested fluctuations, which are having structure of fractal sponge or foam. Therefore the metamaterial nature of vacuum belongs between significant predictions of AWT.
The understanding the role of foamy structure of vacuum fluctuations (as manifested by CMB radiation, soliton character of gamma bursts or ZP energy) in metamaterial character of vacuum is quite easy, if we consider Aether concept. In inhomogeneous environment so called Rayleigh dispersion occurs, whenever the positive surface curvature of density fluctuations prevails. In such system the waves are dispersed (absorbed and refracted) the more, the shorter is their wavelength, because short waves cannot avoid obstacles so easily. From this reason both the absorption coefficient, both the refracting index of environment increases with increasing frequency of radiation - this is so called normal dispersion.
The materials with negative curvature fluctuations of Emental cheese structure are less common, but in such environment the relation of absorption and refraction curve is exactly as opposite, because in such environment the refraction index decreases with increasing frequency with compare to absorption, so we are talking about "anomalous dispersion" here.
The absorption and dispersion curves are mutually related by Kramers-Kronig relations, by which absorption curve (bulk effect) is the first derivation of dispersion curve (i.e. the surface refraction effect), because in environment modeled by spherical particle fluctuations the surface of sphere is first derivation of sphere volume with respect to radius. In vacuum environment the absorption and dispersion curve of electric and magnetic waves corresponds the real and imaginary portion of complex quantities called permitivity and permeability of vacuum, accordingly.
With respect to space-time definition the negative portion of dispersion curve close to inflection point is most significant (compare the red point on the dispersion curve above), because for such frequency the energy spreads in slowest speed possible, so that the space-time appears most huge from insintric perspective here. Such environment has a structure of foam, where positive curvature of density fluctuations remains balanced by negative curvature of holes, but not quite - from this the symmetry violation of vacuum foam follows and the environment behaves like metamaterial of negative refraction index, whenever the imaginary portion of both permeability, both permitivity remains negative. We can say, vacuum behaves like metamaterial just because it's so huge due the presence of large amount of density fluctuations, so we can model phenomena like dark matter streaks, photons and event horizon of black holes by light spreading through metamaterials of foamy structure (compare the simulation bellow).
With compare to solid state metamaterials vacuum is composed of fractal foam of density fluctuations similar to Perlin octal noise, because Aether is behaving like elastic fluid filled/formed by its vortices and the diameter of vortices is indirectly proportional to frequency of wave perturbations. This leads to metamaterial character of vacuum in broad range of wavelengths, until we use transversal waves of minimal exsintric speed for observation. Because metamaterial focuses wave into solitary wave packets (i.e. bosons), we can see the distant stars like pin-point objects without dispersion in broad range of spectrum from infrared to X-ray range of EM wave spectrum.
From general perspective, the normal and anomalous dispersion should be symmetric phenomena. The usage of word "normal" in this context is anthropocentric, because it's based on the fact, human creatures are formed by density fluctuations of arbitrarily positive curvature (i.e. by particles in common sense), so we can interact with particle fields more often and easily, then with fluctuations of negative curvature. Inside of atom structures the positive and negative curvature of electron orbitals remains balanced, so we can observe both absorbance peaks, both transmittance peaks with the same probability there.
sobota 18. července 2009
Preprint servers and string theory evolution
What happened here? The following lines are illustrating my private understanding of the whole story at general level from exsintric perspective of outer observer:
Because string theory was never accepted by mainstream in its entirety due the "lack of falsifiability", string theorists have started to use arXiv portal as their alternative publishing platform like squatters, thus by-passing standard process of peer-review of mainstream physics. They claimed on public, the dynamic character of string theory development requires faster public exchange of ideas, then the standard peer-review process can provide. Now string theory is forty years old theory (like "..old woman wearing way too much lipstick.." by Robert B. Laughlin) and arXiv server was always considered as an alternative publishing platform, especially by mainstream peer-reviewed journals (Science or Nature journals in particular), which were often hostile to preliminary publishing of scientific articles from apparent "conflict of interests" reasons (1, 2, 3).
As the result, former squatters have begun to consider arXiv server as their native or even private publishing platform and they started to displace proponents of another alternative theories by general paradigm "young anarchists - old conservatives". It's significant, well known proponent of string theory Lubos Motl is both opponent of squatters, both opponent of due the "lack of credibility" by now - i.e. from the very same reason, from which string theorists were forced to publish their work on arXiv server before some time - although squatting chaos corresponds well the conceptual chaos of string theories and Mr. Motl himself was in strong opposition to mainstream (Google translation) represented by Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in his young age.
Now we can observe formation of new opposition and we can expect, whenever such alternative becomes significant, a new independent publishing group will be established on its base - and so on.. Such evolution is quite common in social groups and it fits the AWT model of nested condensation of Aether particles well - so we can consider it as easily predictable in AWT context. While we should appreciate the responsibility, rigorousness and acuracy of formal approach represented by string theory, we shouldn't overlook the conceptual vagueness of this approach based on internal inconsistency of postulates and the lack of understanding of subject at general level. Instead of it, Aether concept is based on deep insintric plurality of concepts and mainstream scientists, some string theorists in particular should learn plurality in thinking by now. From this perspective, formation of vi@Xra server is the first step in this direction.
neděle 12. července 2009
Aether based explanation of dark matter
- consequence of limited light speed spreading through expanding space-time
- surface tension effect of bell curve shaped gravity field
- application of mass-energy equivalence to Einstein field equation
- result of variable surface/volume ratio to energy spreading by principle of least action
We can even find a direct analogy of this deceleration in our "pocket model" of observable Universe at water surface. From local perspective of every observer, whose size is evolutionary adjusted to wavelength of capillary waves (human distance scale) such surface is covered mostly by transversal waves, where the energy spreads in maximal speed from his insintric perspective, so he can interact with largest space-time possible (the speed of transversal waves is minimal from exsintric perspective, instead).
But the particle character of water environment manifests by dispersion of surface waves by tiny density fluctuations of underwater, which results into gradual change of transversal character of capillary waves into longitudinal one (i.e. into gravity waves). This dispersion decreases the speed of waves from exsintric perspective, which manifests like omni directional Universe expansion from insintric perspective or like subtle deceleration, which effectively freezes the spreading of surface waves, which can be interpreted like spreading of these waves in environment of gradually increasing density. We can observe this effect easily by splash ripples, formed by capillary waves. On the example bellow such waves are formed by bursting of bubbles at water surface, which can be interpreted like radiative decay of unstable particle in vacuum into gamma photons. By this interpretation dark matter effects, like Pioneer anomaly are related closely to the Universe expansion: for example the anomalous deceleration of Pioneer spacecraft (0.87 ± 0.13 nm/s2) is equal to product of Hubble constant and speed of light (a = Hc), which agrees well (±10% error) with value observed.
From this perspective every object is surrounded by virtual massive field which originates from massive field of virtual photons, i.e. the field of density fluctuations, which are manifesting in GWs formed by gravitons expanded by inflation and which is forming vacuum foam - and in this context it's quite natural and easily predictable effect following from AWT directly. Just the immense density of vacuum and common disbelief in Aether concept has caused, the effect of background field dispersion wasn't linked to dark matter observations and Pioneer anomaly before many years. Here's still plenty of room "at the bottom" of basic human understanding. Note that in this context the further search for GWs has no meaning, because we have observed them already like background noise of GWs detectors and their scope is limited by Casimir force scope in the same way, like scope of extradimensions and Lorentz symmetry violation at low scale.
As J.C. Cranwell (archive) pointed out, prof. Stephen Hawking has blundered by his own image... This picture comes from his book "A briefer history of time" at page 29 and it illustrates the energy wave spreading in particle environment. It's easy to see the waves getting further apart from each other as time increase, while Hawking is still claiming, the Lorentz invariance is "difficult to reconcile" with Newton theory. Of course it is, because it leads not only into Lorentz invariance, but into dark matter and expanding universe observations. This example just illustrates, how everyone sees, what he wants to see and Hawking the physmatic sees waves of constant wavelength in picture, which illustrates exactly the opposite.
Albert Einstein "You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother."
pátek 10. července 2009
List of censors
- Sean Carroll: Cosmic variance
- Lubos Motl : The reference frame
- Peter Woit : Not Even Wrong
- ZapperZ : Physics and Physicists
- NewScientist
- OSEL (Objective Source E-learning, in Czech)
- ScienceWorld (in Czech)
"...They can't help it. Some people are just born with a lack of oxygen..."
Science and philosophy
"Religion and philosophy are interested in reasons and purposes, but science cares only about mechanisms."
Such definition has a deep meaning in AWT, because contemporary science is based on consecutive logics of formal math, which is strictly atemporal, which effectively means, that this logics can be reproduced any time without change. This gives math the power of general language for logical and exact communication. We cannot define and share our ideas exactly, until we are express them in predicate logics and symbolic language of formal math (Feynman: "Shut up and calculate!"). But from Gödel theorems follows, even the most strict / limited axiomatic system can lead to uncertain conclusions about reality and this finding has a good meaning in implicate geometry of AWT.
From more general perspective formal view remains quite limited, because it operates in space dimension only, not time dimension and consecutive logics is strictly single time arrow based. So we can call the science "a philosophy of locality" or "atemporal philosophy", which leads to sort of conceptual opportunism or even hypocrisy, because due its strictly local character their proponents often didn't realize, their stance changes in time and/or it doesn't fit exactly their well minded, but more general ideas due the lack of personal feedback, which always requires wider, nonlocal perspective. Just because our mind can operate in wider concept, we can ask for mechanism in time dimension, so we can even ask "philosophical" questions about reasons and consequences and these questions even remains fully motivated from fractally nested perspective of implicate order. The question "WHY?" about causality isn't less important here, then the descriptive question "HOW?"
In AWT the interactions along time dimensions leads to quantum fuzziness and chaos on both small scale of details, both on large scale (the fuzziness of vague answers about very general questions) and this character can be modeled by spreading of waves at water surface. Therefore the fuzzy character of philosophy is quite predictable and it goes as the price for its universality - it's not a manifestation of intellectual laziness or incompetence of philosophers or something similar.
Therefore from AWT follows, the excessive usage of strictly formal approach leads to fuzziness at small scale (extensive landscapes of string theory and quantum gravity solutions as an example) and to separation from reality in similar way, like overly philosophical approach. A formally thinking theorist cannot explain things in intuitive way even if such explanation becomes quite simple (for example explanation of Lorentz invariance or string concept by density fluctuations of particle environment). In Weinberg's essay it is explained, why the main doctrine of positivism is wrong - if taken strictly - and why it has slowed down science in the past. And vice-versa: a philosophical mind cannot postulate formal description of phenomena even at the case, such description becomes quite simple (the derivation of parabolic equation of free fall as an example).
Both approaches have their predictability power, therefore the strategy of highest fitness from evolutionary perspective is usually based on balanced equilibrium of both intuitive, both formal approach, while the intuitive approach usually goes first and the formal one finalizes intuitive ideas in reproducible manner, which can be exchanged freely without lost of information.
čtvrtek 9. července 2009
Burning water and water memory
In my opinion the origin of this phenomena is more trivial and it's closely related to memory properties of water, which manifests by number of anomalies, like water autothixotropy(1), Mpemba effect, homeopathic activity of various drugs and chemicals in minute concentration etc. which are based on oligomerisation of water into form of rigid water clusters of icosahedral symmetry. The water cluster formation is based on the finding of X-ray spectroscopy, there exists only two hydrogen bridges available per molecule, so that the formation of chained flat structures simmilar to sponge or foam is preffered. Some observations indicate, the salt ions dissolved may increase surface energy during water clusters and foam formation.
Note the close connection of icosahedral water clusters to sacred geometry of five elements, where the icosahedron shape is assigned just to water element, which could mean, vedic authors have general information about five-fold structure of fluids, the structure of glass and water clusters in particular.
Interesting aspect of quantum behavior of water clusters is their shape memory, which originates from quantum mirage phenomena. The conformal change of shape in particular place of cluster surface is followed by redistribution of charge density, so that the molecules of water are attached/removed to cluster from opposite side in such a way, the original cluster shape is retained like of piece plasticine, although it undergoes rapid Brownian motion as a whole. In AWT analogous mechanism keeps the shape of particles during their travel through vacuum foam.
From the above reasons, each water cluster propagates through density fluctuations of water like solid body of much large effective mass, then the single water molecule - so it can absorb energy in radiowave frequency energy density range (13 MHz, i.e. 5.10E-8 eV). During mutual collisions of such larger clusters the cavitation and splitting of water molecules may occur as a result of anti-Stokes scattering and various resonance phenomena. As a macroscopic demonstration of anti-Stokes scattering can serve famous Astroblaster toy and/or jet formation during water splash, explosion of cumulative warheads (bazooka) and/or collapse of black holes and supernovae (compare the recent simulations of "super rebound" effect during cluster collisions). The main trick here is, the energy of cluster surface waves affects the total bilance of translation energy during collision. Such resonance can have it's analogy in explanation of cold fusion for clusters of deuterons dissolved in palladium lattice.
středa 8. července 2009
Aether and graphene behavior
We can illustrate the graphite lattice by model of stacked sieves composed of wire mesh, which are vetted by water surface, analogous to Fermi surface of electrons inside of graphite. In such way, stacked pile of meshes can hold a significant amount of water between its wires. But when we remove one layer of mesh, the amount of watter attached on it would decrease significantly because of higher surface/volume ratio. In AWT such ratio is driving force for virtually all phenomena from elementary particles to black holes.
Due the higher pressure inside of graphene orbitals the electrons behave like chaotic superfluid inside of hole stripes in HT superconductors in over-doped state. With compare to superconductors, the pressure of free orbital surface on graphene layer isn't still sufficient for formation of fully chaotic system of electrons, but low energy excitations would propagate here in much higher speed, then electrons inside of common metals, because electrons are forced to move as a single body through delocalized orbitals and their charge is propagated in waves of collective surface plasmon excitations, i.e. like bosons.
We can understand this behavior by motion of wagons in train with compare to motion of string of cars. Free cars on the street are forced to accelerate and brake to avoid obstacles and mutual collisions under significant lost of energy. Wagons in train doesn't suffer such problem, because they're compacted, so that whole train is moving like single body and the lost of energy due the acceleration/deceleration of individual wagons is limited here significantly. While loose electrons in metals are forced to avoid mutually, they radiate energy during their mutual collisions via electromagnetic waves. Inside of graphene orbitals such mechanism is limited the more, the more electrons are collapsed. Inside of hole stripes of HT superconductors electrons are compressed in such a way, the radiative lost of energy is decreased to nearly zero here.
This week's hype of string theory - or just another evidence of Aether model?
Aether Wave theory therefore explains strings as a foamy density fluctuations of hypothetical dense gas, which is forming vacuum. While electrons in superconductors are heavily compressed near holes by Coulomb forces, they behave in similar way, like particles on event horizon of black holes and they forms "stringy" fluctuations of density - so we can use some of ST concepts for description of this system.
If such model is still relevant for string theorists, it would simply mean, particle strings are formed by highly compressed fermion field as well - which is essentially AWT model. Such result excludes model of particles formed by isolated strings and branes, as presented in naive drawings from Brian Greene's popular books and TV shows. Instead of this, every particle is formed by compact cluster of foamy density fluctuations, formed by another particles.
But string theory wasn't designed for such purpose - it was supposed to describe fermion itself, not the compact systems of fermions. While ST failed this target apparently from obvious reasons, the endeavor to model superconductivity by AdS/CFT correspondence is just an attempt to make the best of a bad job. We should realize, how string theorists are frustrated after forty years of ST development, while still having no real physical system to describe. Now they're modeling dense system of fermions instead of individual particles - and they're still happy.... Even worse - it seems, they even didn't spot the difference!
The true is, HT superconductivity is conceptually quite simple phenomenon and no working knowledge of string theory is required for its intuitive understanding at all. String theorists shouldn't forget it, when pretending boldly, they can provide the very first / only description of this phenomena, explanation the less. From AWT follows, every dense cloud of compressed electrons should exhibit a superconductivity and we can model it by computer simulations of repulsing particle field, or by numerical solution of Schrödinger equation on field of charged particles, i.e. via standard means of quantum mechanics without introduction of concepts borrowed from ad hoced theories.