Another well known archetype is Ouroboros concept (Cordylus giganteus), related to implicit surfaces of topology, the Mobius strip and Klein bottle in particular. By AWT the energy in form of transversal waves is spreading through field of nested Aether density fluctuations like the light through foam and after certain distance from observer is being dispersed and curved by Lorentz transform into scalar field of particles, i.e. longitudinal waves spreading in noncausual way by Huyghens-Fresnel principle, so that the interior of objects becomes observed as a their exterior and vice-versa.
By such way we can interpret for example the microwave background of Universe (CMB) as a Hawking radiation of black hole, whole lifespan corresponds the Universe age and the material density corresponds the energy density of vacuum (as estimated by third power of Planck constant) - so we can say, we can observe our Universe both from inside, both from outside perspective via surface of distant quasars at the "same moments", which are separated by light cone.

By AWT the event horizon of black holes is exaggerated example of gravitational lensing, which leads to the total reflection phenomena. During travel into black hole we could see (providing we could survive such travel without evaporation), the event horizon is opening gradually and at the certain moment it would disappear under formation of another event horizon behind our back. The space-time inhomogeneities would create another black holes around a sky - so we could see, the former Universe generation is formed by black hole as well, the inner surface of which is behaving like one-way mirror, reflecting blue color preferably.

This brings a hell and heaven archetype, as the outer surface of black hole resembles an attracting hole of the hell, glowing in dark red via Hawking mechanism - while the same artifact from inside would appear like reflecting and repulsive bladachino tabernacle resembling the mirror-like silver sky with bluish cloud undulating majestically, i.e. a heavens. Maybe we are really a remote descendants of ancient creatures, who passed the event horizon of small black hole to escape its collapse and space-rip in distant past, who knows? Anyway, this model has it's own modern interpretations in "cosmic hall of mirrors" concept, if we consider the strong red shift will change the bluish glow of heavens into dim infrared glow from long distance perspective. Maybe the infrared images of "first stars generation" on background of microwave radiation can be interpreted as a mirrored images of distant stars from internal walls of our Universe generation.
The above observations leads to concept of Universe as a dense foamy cluster of small black holes, the size of which from outside perspective corresponds the wavelength of CMB, human neurons and wavelength of capillary waves at the water surface, and it forms the "middle" of dimensional scale for human creatures, because the energy is moving by slowest speed in most Aether phases here, so it enables temporal evolution of maximal complexity/neg-entropy.
Fortunately, not all symbols are related to AWT closely - we can note this at the case of red heart shape in connection to recent research of sexual symbolism of red color. The Valentine heart doesn't mean: "I love you seriously, I'm not bullshitting you" - it could rather mean "I'm ape-shitting you". After all, do we know, how strong the ape love can be? When a red heart shape is often used by Asian women on lips, we are facing a double estrous symbolism in this case.

By AWT the event horizon of black holes is exaggerated example of gravitational lensing, which leads to the total reflection phenomena. During travel into black hole we could see (providing we could survive such travel without evaporation), the event horizon is opening gradually and at the certain moment it would disappear under formation of another event horizon behind our back. The space-time inhomogeneities would create another black holes around a sky - so we could see, the former Universe generation is formed by black hole as well, the inner surface of which is behaving like one-way mirror, reflecting blue color preferably.
This brings a hell and heaven archetype, as the outer surface of black hole resembles an attracting hole of the hell, glowing in dark red via Hawking mechanism - while the same artifact from inside would appear like reflecting and repulsive bladachino tabernacle resembling the mirror-like silver sky with bluish cloud undulating majestically, i.e. a heavens. Maybe we are really a remote descendants of ancient creatures, who passed the event horizon of small black hole to escape its collapse and space-rip in distant past, who knows? Anyway, this model has it's own modern interpretations in "cosmic hall of mirrors" concept, if we consider the strong red shift will change the bluish glow of heavens into dim infrared glow from long distance perspective. Maybe the infrared images of "first stars generation" on background of microwave radiation can be interpreted as a mirrored images of distant stars from internal walls of our Universe generation.
The above observations leads to concept of Universe as a dense foamy cluster of small black holes, the size of which from outside perspective corresponds the wavelength of CMB, human neurons and wavelength of capillary waves at the water surface, and it forms the "middle" of dimensional scale for human creatures, because the energy is moving by slowest speed in most Aether phases here, so it enables temporal evolution of maximal complexity/neg-entropy.
Fortunately, not all symbols are related to AWT closely - we can note this at the case of red heart shape in connection to recent research of sexual symbolism of red color. The Valentine heart doesn't mean: "I love you seriously, I'm not bullshitting you" - it could rather mean "I'm ape-shitting you". After all, do we know, how strong the ape love can be? When a red heart shape is often used by Asian women on lips, we are facing a double estrous symbolism in this case.
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