By AWT correct - i.e. physically relevant - definition of intelligence is rather important, as it can give us a clue about direction of psychological time arrow.
From certain perspective every free particle appears like quite intelligent "creature", because it can find the path of the optimal potential gradient unmistakably even inside of highly dimensional field where interactions of many particles overlaps mutually. Whereas single particle is rather "silly" and it can follow just a narrow density gradient, complex multidimensional fluctuations of Aether can follow a complex gradients and they can even avoid a wrong path or obstacles at certain extent. They're "farseeing" and "intelligent". Note that the traveling of particle along density gradient leads into gradual dissolving of it and "death". The same forces, which are keeping the particle in motion will lead to its gradual disintegration of it.
The ability of people to make correct decisions in such fuzzy environment is usually connected with social intelligence. We can say, motion of particle is fully driven by its "intuition". They can react fast in many time dimensions symmetrically (congruently), whereas their ability to interact with future (i.e. ability of predictions) still remains very low, accordingly to low (but nonzero) memory capacity of single gradient particle. Nested clusters of many particles are the more clever, the more hidden dimensions are formed by. Electrochemical waves of neural system activity should form a highly nested systems of energy density fluctuations.
Neverthelles, if we consider intelligence as "an ability to obtain new abilities", then the learning ability and memory capacity of single level density fluctuations still remains very low. Every particle has a surface gradient from perspective of single level of particle fluctuations, so it has an memory (compacted space-time dimensions) as well. Therefore for single object we can postulate the number of nested dimensions inside of object as a general criterion of intelligence. The highly compactified character of neuron network enables people to handle a deep level of mutual implications, i.e. manifolds of causual space defined by implication tensors of high order. Such definition remains symmetrical, i.e. invariant to both intuitive behaviour driven by parallel logics, both conscious behaviour, driven by sequential logics.
Interesting point is, individual members of such systems may not be aware of incoming phase transition, because theirs space-time expands (the environment becomes more dense) together with these intelligent artifacts. At certain moment the environment becomes more conscious (i.e. negentropic), then the particle system formed by it and phase transition will occur. The well known superfluidity and superconductivity phenomena followed by formation of boson condensate can serve as a physical analogy of sectarian community formation, separated from the needs/feedback of rest of society. Members of community can be internally characterized by their high level of censorship (total reflection phenomena with respect to information spreading) and by superfluous homogeneity of individual stance distribution, followed by rigidity and fragility of their opinions (i.e. by duality of odd and even derivations in space and time) from outside perspective.
AWT explains, how even subtle forces of interests between individuals crowded around common targets cumulate under emergence of irrational behavior gradually. Because such environment becomes more dense, the space-time dilatation occurs here and everything vents OK from insintric perspective. As the result, nobody from sectarian community will realize, he just lost control over situation.
For example, people preparing LHC experiments cannot be accused from evil motives - they just want to do some interesting measurements on LHC, to finish their dissertations, make some money in attractive job, nurse children, learn French, and so on… Just innocent wishes all the time, am I right? But as a whole their community has omitted serious precautionary principles under hope, successful end justifies the means.
Particle model explains, how even subtle forces of interests between individuals crowded around common targets cumulate under emergence of irrational behavior gradually. For example, nobody of this community has taken care about difference in charged and neutral black holes in their ability to swallow surrounding matter. As a result, nobody of members of such community realizes consequence of his behavior until very end.
And this is quite silly and unscouscios behavior, indeed.
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