sobota 21. března 2009

Do particles have a free will?

Mathematicians John H. Conway (inventor of the cellular automaton Game of Life, between many other) and Simon Kochen of Princeton University have proven that if human experimenters demonstrate 'free will' in choosing what measurements to take on a particle, then the axioms of quantum mechanics require that the free will property be available to the particles measured, or to the universe as a whole. It means, that if humans have even the tiniest amount of free will, then atoms themselves must also behave unpredictably. Standard interpretations of quantum mechanics, of course, embrace unpredictability, but many physicists aren't comfortable with that, and are working to develop deterministic interpretations of quantum mechanics. Conway and Kochen's proof argues, that these efforts will be fruitless — unless one is willing to give up human free will, in a very strong sense. Mr. Conway is giving a series of lectures on the 'Free Will Theorem' (ArXiv preprint) and its ramifications over the next month at Princeton. A followup article strengthening the theory (PDF) was published last month in Notices of the AMS.

By AWT every massive particle exhibits insintric unpredictable behavior, because it's always formed by many smaller particles - or at least appears so from human perspective. Every density gradient is realized by density change of many smaller gradients. Therefore the behavior and motion of surface gradient always hides a complexity of particle interior, thus rendering it less or more unpredictable in our eyes. Every particle formed by density gradients can interact only with another object arranged by same way in causal way (simila similibus affectur). The objects, which differs very much in their arrangement mass/energy or space-time distance scale cannot interact mutually in causal way (they're simply "too small" or "too large"). The largest objects which we can observe in causal way are therefore formed by large clusters of particles of the same size, shape and composition, which exhibits an unification and quantization of their behavior. From sufficiently distant/global perspective the behavior of both particles, both their observer becomes easily predictable by the same way, so we cannot separate the free will of particles from free will of their observer - which is n basic logic hidden beneath free will theorem.

AWT interprets the motion of particles in gravity fields as a sort of diffusion, which enables particle to follow the straightest path of mass/energy density gradient of their environment by the same way, like bacteria or protozoa are following the density gradients of chemical energy concentration. By this way, every particle exhibits a traits of consciouses behavior. Note that following of density gradients leads to dissipation of them and "death" of particle undeniably - every manifestation of "life" is always connected to it's "death" in less or distant perspective, therefore the stability criterion leads always to symmetric orbiting paths, i.e. to sort of adaptation of object against its premature evaporation via gravitational waves.

From AWT perspective human consciousness is an emergent effect, i.e. sort of condensate of conscious behavior of many particles, forming the observable universe by the same way, like the black hole can be interpreted as a condensate of spin properties of many particles at distance. While various particle properties and behavior compensate mutually (their mutual transversal motion, for example), some others (like rotation / surface spin or their ability to follow the most advantage path) are cumulative and they manifest itself at macroscopic scale, like black holes or intelligent organism. The living objects are behaving by the same way, being able to follow very weak and long distance interactions, which is interpreted as a "conscious behavior" from macroscopic perspective. But technically it just means, these objects have evolved for sufficient time (during travelling accross sufficiently large density gradient / space-time brane), so that random components of their motion have compensated mutually. By this way, every large object falling into even larger black hole has a chance to become sufficiently clever, until it dissolve completelly at its very end. We are perceiving increasing density of vacuum as an omnidirectional space-time expansion.

We can compare this interpretation of free will to the motion of tent roof, which is hiding dance of many persons behind it. Because every person affect the motion of tent roof in very subtle way, the motion of tent appears unpredictable from this perspective. Apparently chaotic behavior of water surface or human civilization as a whole is the effect of the same category. The motion of components inside of every large system can be interpreted like motion in hidden dimensions with respect to space-time defined by surface of this large system. For example the nuclear force violates the inverse square law for gravity, because it's represented by chaotic motion of nucleons inside of atom nuclei, so that only subtle causal portion of that motion manifest itself at distance. Just the common disbelief in Aether concept prohibited the mainstream science to interpret the probabilistic character of quantum mechanics by this easy and natural way,

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