This repulsion is the principle of charge interaction, the so called weak nuclear force in particular. This force is effective just at 10E-18 to 10E-15 meters distance scale and it's always repulsive for normal particles, but attractive for particles and antiparticles. We are calling it a leptonic charge, too. The attractive force of the particles with opposite charges is the result of mutual composition of torsion deformations of Aether between particles (a constructive interference occurs in terms of quantum waves spreading), which increases the density of Aether foam here. The particle waves are focused into more dense area between particles, which we can perceive as an attractive force. The repulsive force follow exactly the opposite mechanism.
The composition of leptonic charges inside of hadrons can lead to more fancy interactions, known as a strong nuclear and electromagnetic charges. Note that the rest mass of particle doesn't implies the charge, because the motion of Aether inside of particles should exhibit so called helicity to manifest itself as an omni-directional interaction. On the animated scheme we can see the Aether motion inside of positively (left-handed), neutral and negatively (right-handed) charge neutrino. Note that the existence of charge implies the presence of nested hidden dimensions (denoted by red color on the animations bellow), as the 3D incompressible fluid cannot undulate with helicity, it can form a vortex rings only.
The massive particles without charge are called neutral or sterile particles (sterile neutrino or sterile electron, predicted by Heim theory). In general, the sterile particles are metastable, because they tend to decay into pair of particles of the opposite charges. We can expect the presence of sterile particles only at the dense environment near black holes and or inside of massive stars. From the diagram bellow is apparent, the sterile electron should be a much less stable, then sterile neutrino, the density of which is much close to the density of vacuum, then at the case of electron.
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