The Aether Wave Theory is closely related to Constructal theory, Process Physics, Unparticle Physics and Emergence Theory - it can serve as the conceptual base of all these theories. The concept of Aether foam covers the quantum foam or spin network of LQG theory, the protosimplex lattice of Heim theory or the recent string net liquid concept. And the non-linear properties of Aether foam can reconcile the dual aspects of general relativity and quantum mechanics and quantum field theories (the free fermion models of string field theories in particular). As a particle theory the AWT is closely related to Garett's E8 group theory, because the Lie E8 group describes the tightest structure of hypersphere particles, exchanged by another particles, recursively.
If all these theories are relevant each other - as the correspondence principle requires - here must exist some common connecting point/concept and we are forced to find it, because it's unacceptable to have so many theories, which are incompatible each other. Therefore the AWT isn't limited to realm of physics, as it describes the general connections/interactions inside of all multicomponent systems, including the biology and sociology and theories of information spreading.
OdpovědětVymazatGreat Idea,
We can try to found a mathematical background for AWT by means of Complex System Theory. Maybe there are in this theory very good tools to describe the AWT mechanics. In an equivalent manner, we can use the intuition that we have about AWT to achieve many breakthroughs in Complex System science.
One question, Do you think that Change Climate is a pseudoscientific field?
I have always thought that we could consider the Change Climate like a scientific field if we dealt it adequately.
OdpovědětVymazatYou wrote:
"The concept of Aether foam covers the quantum foam or spin network of LQG theory
as the correspondence principle requires"
This assertion is of paramount importance. Let's see it.
I've never been committed to the idea that LQG describes the quantum gravity in a correct way. As you know, LQG is a proposed theory for quantum gravity and it's background independent. It's formulated on a Quantum Geometry which is described mathematically by means of Spin Networks. The Spin Networks evolves over time and forms a Spin Foams, i.e. the Spin Networks can be considered the boundary of the Spin Foams.
Suppose the simplest case, namely, a space with a single node. Some line segments come out from this node and these line segments also finish over the same node, i.e. the line segments form loops. Well due to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, the spin network must evolve and new nodes arise. If new nodes wouldn't arise then we can to fix the space and linear momentum at once and this violates the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle ;-).
Therefore the space is expanded. But, at start of time, the big bang can be modelled with this simple space (space with a single node) and the inflation can be modelled by the expansion of space (emergence of new nodes). Well, to date, why has anyone made precise calculations and has derived the rate of this expansion? Because, I think that this model doesn't work and the inflation can't be explained using LQG. The inflation is seen likely in the current cosmological models. About string theory is better don't talk. From my viewpoint, the best and most simple theory to explain QG (without taking into account AWT) is described in the Weinfurtner's paper, (namely Emergent spacetimes).
The best.
/*..the inflation can't be explained using LQG..*/
OdpovědětVymazatI'm not LQG proponent - but I don't think, the inflation cannot be explained by LQG (at least conceptually) - because the inflation is basically the process of condensation (thickening) of spin foam (as you correctly stated) and it has been modeled by Lee Smolin as a process of new connection points formation (emergence?). The picture bellow is his own illustration of that process, so I suppose, he knows, what he's talking about.
This doesn't say, indeed, the LQG is quite exact description of real Aether foam behavior.
Lee Smolin is a very competent scientific (and under my humble viewpoint he's one of the best physicists and he has an open mind). Smolin knows much more than me on this matter. If I'm honest then I've to admit that I know very little about Causal Dynamical Triangulation. I have heard a little about this theory. I also want to inform to the readers of this blog that many things that I wrote and I will write here could be wrongs, Sorry. Zephir, thanks for your wise notes. I'm going to read a lot on this matter and I will try to learn more. My intention wasn't put it lightly, sorry :-(.
OdpovědětVymazatI didn't want to say that LQG can't account for inflation, I just wanted to say that LQG can´t account for the rate of inflation. But I could be wrong.
/*.. AWT is more developed than Heim Theory from a conceptual point of view and Heim Theory is more developed than AWT from a mathematical point of view.. */
OdpovědětVymazatWell, exactly...;-)
While in Heim theory the metron concept and protosimplex lattice appears as ingenious, but somewhat ad hoced proposal, it would be quite interesting to reveal Heim's true motivations, which have lead to the postulation of these concepts.